Thursday, July 22, 2010

Black Sweater Blue Tie

DIVAS Collection: Check out the Glam in you!

guys are there!
After months and months of research materials, colors, trends, we are calling the new collection that will prepare us for the winter 2010, which will be full of black, pink and rhinestones!

Certainly none of us still think the winter, since we are in the middle of July and hot, but we try to prepare in advance, to be ready to deal with the gray of winter. This is why even now we share the stages of birth of the Collection DIVAS, which we hope will charm you, what has fascinated us realize it!
The idea came about three months ago at the sight of a mirror, yes, a simple mirror in a simple shop. On the mirror reflected a figure ... and occurred to us that we could do a simple mirror of a beautiful necklace ... The main problem was that the mirror in and of itself was not a particularly strong material and create a jewel that might break a second to the next was not a great idea. From there began the search for materials, which after about a month and with a little help from experts plexiglass, we did arrive at a truly amazing material, unbreakable mirror, and above all:

The mirrored surface itself does not say much, they could not find particularly attractive, except in the case we wanted to create jewelry mirror to adjust the makeup ;-)... but that was definitely not our goal. We had to find something to be applied and especially to find a way to implement it, all this without falling into banality, if possible! We all know that Audrey, Merilyn, Grace Kelly and other Hollywood stars are much in vogue and are icons to idolize, but in those few giorni avevamo già maturato l'idea che le nostre * Divas* non sarebbero dovute essere quelle *famose per eccellenza*, ma solamente identificative di un trend glamorous.
Gironzolando sul web in cerca di idee, mi imbattei, una sera, in alcune illustrazioni, molto retrò e anche post moderne, particolari e quasi tutte in bianco e gioco era fatto! Avevamo le nostre icone, i nostri volti, le nostre ancelle della collezione, avevamo tutto!

Scegliere nel vasto mare delle illustrzioni non fu facile, i soggetti erano tanti, bellissimi, molto diversi tra loro. Alla fine identified a dozen attractive designs and suitable for a test, it was not certain, however, that would go well on the support that we had chosen ... :-)

The idea of \u200b\u200bprinting on transparent adhesive film and apply the subjects chosen on the mirrored surface cut on purpose, was the direct result of the materials we had available to us can use. The results convinced us and the rest came by itself ... Create frames and medallions was the most interesting and fun ...

more ...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Personal Years Starts On


The Inspiration (1898) - WABouguereau

Who has not ever travel by car only and not to stop a second to think?
Who has not ever wake up one morning and be sure to have dreamed of something dramatic?
Who has not ever search for long within himself the resources to build something, only to discover that the idea comes from only a few moments?

Well guys, that's the inspiration, or at least it is for us!
That kind of excitement of the mind, imagination and also the feeling that pushes each individual to give birth to something very personal ...
Nell'antichità si è sempre creduto che l'ispirazione artistica fosse l'azione di uno spirito divino sulla mente umana, qualcosa di misterioso e soprannaturale, mentre in tempi più moderni il senso dell'ispirazione ha perso gran parte suo misticismo legandosi a credenze più psicologiche... gli "scherzi" della mente :-)

Sì perchè, anche noi ci sentiamo un pò pazze a volte, perchè quando arriva l'ispirazione veniamo colte da un brivido, un fremito...o no? Per me l'ispirazione è qualcosa che nasce da dentro ed è totalmente insapettata... vedo un materiale, un colore, un oggetto e me lo immagino rielaborato, trasformato, mio! Perciò remains unknown and irrational attitude, but still generated by the concrete looking for what meets the eye. Sometimes it starts with an idea, trend, other times everything is generated by something that we instinctively capture ... This leads us to give birth to our creations is almost a kind of controlled ecstasy .. . I am sure that many of us inspiration is something dramatically personnel, but to describe, so why not let
your comment and tell us where does your inspiration? The Sisters

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dilation Of Cervix Chart


We can say we have really done all this :-) summer, including cocktails with jewelry, evening several guests on the premises, ending (or almost) in style with the market related to Pink Night in Marina di Ravenna.
a job ... we can be blind to say? Yes, well ... obviously also very big satisfaction!

However, we did not have enough of sweet dishes, miscellaneous supplies and reservations, so we went ahead and during the "Notte Rosa have also sported the first pieces of the line MAISISTER Couture. In partcolare multi-shirts and the dancers related to the collection. As the next step

some related instead to other leaders PetitPatisserie e alcune anticipazioni sulla nuova collezione DIVAS... quasi pronta!!

Enjoy Handmade!