Monday, March 14, 2011

Play Super Mario And Yoshi Online

FP Chapter 79: My Beautiful

Pov Edward

Io e Bella eravamo completamente nudi e con i nostri corpi abbandonati l’uno sull’altro. Le avevo appena regalato un piacere sconfinato, lo stesso che avrei voluto provare io, dato che il mio sesso era ancora palesemente eccitato e insoddisfatto… Bella avvicinò la sua mano al mio volto e mi osservò con attenzione, mordicchiandosi il labbro… che fosse ancora desiderosa delle mie attenzioni?
Dio, sperai di sì, con tutto il cuore! Ci avventammo di nuovo sulle nostre labbra, in un bacio colmo di passione, desiderio, irruenza, ingordigia… non I had enough, I never tired of his mouth on fire, his body made to be adored by me ...
Meanwhile stroked his back, reaching to his seat to scream: artigliai eagerly those buttocks firm and perfect, and then began to massage in a circular fashion and impetuous ...
-Mmm ... God, how wonderful! - sighed admired from that amazing ass. In response she began to stroke his chest, making me shiver ... god what I wanted even those hands on my rod! Instinctively hugged up against my body I wanted to cancel any annoying cm between us ... my gesture was crashing our sex naked and willing, by provoking a cry of pure lust, inflamed me even more.
Deepening the kiss, that fact became a perverse game of languages \u200b\u200band moans, I felt his warm wet now entered, the irresistible allure of a siren enchantress ...
Suddenly I felt his hand grasp the My great erection and a kind of growl of pure lust I came from the throat; god, how I wanted her to welcome him in his hot mouth and starts sucking everything ...
Shortly after I began experiencing a different kind of heat: the My eager panterina had approached her clitoris with the tip of my swollen member ... ahh, shit, I come!, I thought. With a sudden snap against all the muscles in order to avoid a blatant fool to that luxurious touch ... inarcai his back and moaned at the height of lust ...
Then in a moment of lucidity Bella watched, amazed by that gesture so bold: my rule of just petting it was going to fuck off ...
My girl was panting, hot, horny and beautiful ...
-Edward ... - his whisper was a plea: I wanted, wanted to make love! Shit! My self-control was to the end ... she wanted me, I wanted ... God, how I loved her!
-Bella ... - an excited my breath: our naked bodies, twisted, panting, eager to indulge one another ... I was just a boy lover, not a cold stone!
I was no longer able to resist it, no more!
-Edward ... I could not wish for a moment more perfect than this! I love you ... I want you in me ... now! - Begged me with a disconcerting sincerity. Christ! At his heartfelt prayer I will cut off ... I swallowed my breath with excitement ... I could not believe it! To hell with the perfect weekend! I wanted my! Now, now! Bella was right: there could be no moment more perfect than this! It was our moment finally arrived! She and I ... we were about to become 'us': a single body, one heart, one soul ... my dream ...
I watched, enchanted was amazing: beautiful, excited, eager to enjoy and me an irresistible temptation to enjoy ... ... and I had decided not to resist more ...
smiled with love and gentleness, with one hand touched his cheek burning with desire. I was moved, excited, happy, disturbed, eager ... but, first of all, I need your confirmation ...
-you ... are you sure, love? - I asked her with anxiety and fear, but also with the wild joy make it my own.
- I want ... inside me, Edward! - begged me intensely. Oh shit! Fuck! His words ... Now that I had it as hard as marble ... oh, shit!
At his plea Super my friend went crazy with desire: I felt it as hard as ever, huge and swollen for the greed to possess that body and soul, di cui ero follemente innamorato... non avevo mai provato quel vortice di passione e amore, mai…
-Anch’io, ti voglio, Bella... da impazzire!- le risposi bramoso come neanche una volta mi ero sentito. Maledizione, sentivo il mio membro troppo su di giri… mi serviva un po’ di tempo per riprendere il controllo, ero eccessivamente irruento e voglioso… avrei rischiato di possederla in modo prepotente e violento… per non parlare poi del fatto che avrei rischiato di venire nel giro di pochi istanti, come un ridicolo pivello…
Tentando di calmarmi e di regolarizzare il mio respiro affannato, I knelt on her back, grasping his hand, kissed the palm, then up along the bend of the elbow to the shoulder and neck. I stopped there to savor the sweet fragrance and then went down in the hollow between the shoulders and then down and down, pausing on the breast a soft and delicate and then on the most hidden parts of his body.
Every kiss my contracted in a sensual way, and his lips urging me to continue to give her more pleasure. Every kiss caused me a great pleasure and did nothing but increase my excitement.
How many times had I imagined to be with Bella in that way, to be able to shake me and make it my own, to dive into her and feel the warmth and softness of her body to join me!
sustaining mattress with his left hand, grabbed my sex with his right hand and stroked my swollen toe and swollen her hot, wet entrance, just to touch gave me chills to send me a series of haywire ... I wonder how it would totally immerse myself in that lake full of desire! Christ, I could not wait! But my instinct to sink her was driven by the immense tenderness for my love doll ... it was his first time ...
began to move slowly, pushing my body full and fleshy in the humid and hot folds of her womanhood, with extreme delicacy.
-I love you more than my life, Bella ... - I whispered, and with extreme care posizionai me over her. This move I had made to collide our intimacy, and a groan came out blazing from the lips of both ...
-I love you ... love you ... love you ... - I whispered incessantly. Never, never would have imagined that the excitement that would be born inside of me could be so excessive, so pervasive. We were moving in simultanea e traevamo un intenso godimento delle nostre movenze. Ad un tratto sentii il mio organo urlare dal disperato bisogno di prenderla e unirmi a lei, il prima possibile. Ero di nuovo arrivato al limite della sopportazione, volevo possederla con tutto me stesso, senza freni, senza inibizioni.
-Ti amo. Ti voglio. Adesso!- ripetei le sue identiche parole con voce roca, poi guardai il viso eccitato di Bella: ogni cosa di lei mi supplicava di farla mia. Ricominciai a baciarla avidamente, con insaziabile ingordigia, mentre i nostri corpi si muovevano in sincronia perfetta e godevano delle nostre carezze reciproche, finchè arrivai alla soglia della tolleranza umana: non resistevo più, volevo solo possederla, entrare per la prima volta nel suo caldo corpo. E anche lei mi voleva.
Iniziai a sfiorare con la punta delle mie dita l’interno delle sue cosce, per arrivare poi al centro della sua intimità, e per rendermi conto, con una gioia mai provata prima, che io ero pronto per fare l’amore per la prima volta in vita mia, e che la mia stellina era pronta ad accogliermi dentro di lei. Stavo vivendo un sogno incredibilmente meraviglioso!
Assaporai quel momento indimenticabile, attimo per attimo. Un fremito di desiderio attraversò nel medesimo istante i nostri corpi ansimanti, ed entrambi sospirammo all’unisono dall’eccitazione. Le mie mani, aggrappate ai suoi fianchi, le sollevarono leggermente il bacino, e lo spostarono più in giù, per farlo aderire perfettamente al mio.
-Oh, sì, Edward! Sì!- mi implorò, accorgendosi che il mio membro pulsante era pronto per entrare nel suo meraviglioso corpo caldo. Dio, che sensazione esaltante! La mia donna aveva capito perfettamente come farmi morire... e io ero suo, il suo uomo! Lei mi voleva come la bramavo io... stavo per perdere il controllo, rischiando però di possederla un po’ troppo vigorosamente.
Ma fortunatamente il my immense love for her led me once again and began to push my excitement inside her as gently and carefully that I could. Christ was ready and wet, but so close! And I, damn it, I was too excited at the moment, my erection was too big for her! Damn, I was terrified of them very badly ...
-Tell me if I hurt you ... - I whispered to your ear when the time came. She said nothing but put his hands behind my back for me to penetrate her sex hot and wet.
On its face, however, appeared quasi subito un’espressione di tensione e io mi fermai terrorizzato, all’idea di averle causato anche un minimo di dolore. Sentivo la sottile membrana nel suo corpo ostacolarmi nel mio cammino dentro di lei, e per un secondo pensai di dovermi assolutamente fermare… ero inquieto, nervoso, eccitato…
Vaffanculo! Ho l’uccello troppo in tiro, troppo!!, imprecai frustrato.
-Bella! Ti faccio male, amore?- le sussurrai spaventato all’orecchio, stringendo i pugni ai lati della sua testa bruna.
-Oh, no Edward, please read! - I cried and I felt her press the base of my back towards her. I sighed: her words and gestures to soothe me, giving me the right harmony between mind and body ... calm down, Edward, relax ... I repeated like a mantra.
I was aware that unfortunately the pain I brought: it was the human physiology, and it was inevitable ... just hoped it was not unbearable and I hoped that the suffering was short ... I could just be sensitive and attentive ...
Convintomi of this, just let them and enjoy the new sensations that arose in me, trying to measure out carefully and cautiously the force of my thrusts, and immerse my body in its steel body of hot passion. My drives continued, slowly but surely, releasing heat in my body and pleasure never experienced before ... I could only enjoy, thinking that Bella was getting mine, which I was immersed in it! There could be no greater happiness!
And then ... happened.
It was a sudden sensation and exciting at the same time. I felt my way clearly open, and open up inside her and was able to penetrate more easily Bottom: hard and my body was swollen almost completely immersed in this paradise atmosphere!
Aahh! Shit, that Goduria immense!
I felt my body tremble with joy and I had a lot of self-control, lest we succumb to the intense urge to come at once ... nice though, just at that moment, closed his eyes, he clung to the sheets and bit her lower lip. My poor kitten, who knows how much pain I was feeling ... I could help in one way ... also helping myself to do the image of a pimply served thirteen ... both a quiet moment to catch my breath ...
I rested both palms on the mattress and lifted the pelvis slightly, arching his back and trying to stay as motionless as possible, to breathe slowly began to calm my boiling Otherwise, I ran a serious risk to fuck her brutally, and was also within a second!
Luckily, my love for that beautiful creature took over again: I did everything for my little star, but, so far as challenging! The desire to sink into the soft, narrow, wet and warm from heaven drove me crazy bramosia!! Se nelle settimane precedenti non avessi praticato un minimo di autocontrollo, difficilmente sarei riuscito a resistere dal penetrarla in modo irruento e selvaggio…
-Ti amo… ti amo… ti amo… ti amo…- le ripetevo senza sosta, per tentare di placare il mio istinto più impetuoso e per rasserenare la mia dolcissima Bella.
Dopo un paio di minuti, tutti i suoi muscoli si rilassarono e io compresi che avrei potuto ricominciare ad immergermi dolcemente in lei, con maggiore controllo. Cercavo di essere ancora prudente e delicato: non potevo conoscere il grado della sofferenza che lei aveva tried, but now that the worst seemed past, I would not have made her suffer again because of my vehemence beastly ...
was just wonderful to be part of it ... god, it felt so much! And when I felt her pelvis around and meet mine, to increase our contacts and our pleasure, my heart overflowed with joy, and my mind and my body went crazy from the frenetic excitement.
-Oh ... yes ... yes ... ... Edward - Bella gasped at the mercy of our forces, capable of generating the pleasure ... I felt so completely full, as if the only place where I could feel it inside her, like I did of course part of his body ... oh my God, I was so excited and triumphant!
Bella continued to pronounce my name gasping, screaming and moaning in ecstasy to feel that part of me that ever entered into her. In an instant I realized at that moment I said goodbye to my inexperienced girl in its place was a woman excited, passionate, sensual and conscious of being damned. Yes! I've been doing to become a woman, my woman!
-Ohhh ... Bella ... Bella ... Bella ... you're my you are mine ... all mine! - moaned blowing on her neck smelling, nibbling and licking eagerly to forfeit as much as possible, its heady scent.
Driven by passion, she began to call out my name ... I called every thrust, every kiss, sighing, screaming with all my moaning ...
And I could not help but be excited that she tried, I relied on, imploring me to continue to possess and hold on to me more and more vigorously. I could not believe she chose me to try, along with her, the immense joy, our paradise ...
Unknowingly, pure instinct, guided only by the frenzy, I increased the force and the rhythm of my sink, in a sensual dance of passion and love. Suddenly she twisted her lips ... annoying? Or a slight grimace of pain? Shit, I was sweeping from the wild! Because I had to be so brutish?
-Hey, baby ... you alright? - Whispered to her ear, worried about my excessive impetuosity. You have not told me, kidnapped from my passionate gestures, but put his hands behind my back for me to penetrate deeper.
-love, tell me if you are well, please! Want to stop me?-I worried like crazy for the fact that he had not yet responded.
-Oh, no love. It does not hurt. It 's normal, just do a little' plan ... - murmured with difficulty, and the press felt the base of my back towards her. Suddenly I felt his hand firmly grasping my buttocks and squeeze it very well. Ok, I understood the message! I decided to let her do and being involved in everything from the wonderful feelings that were blooming again in me.
Sghignazzai on his neck soft and fragrant and I felt reassured by sue parole; perciò mi abbandonai all’istinto, entrando sempre con maggior foga nel bollente e fradicio anfratto della mia donna. Dio, era così calda e stretta! Un godimento incredibile, inimmaginabile!!
-Ahh… mia Bella… ahhh… ti amo…- sospirai in preda alla più folle pazzia d’amore, che mi faceva pretendere sempre di più: maggiore piacere provavo e donavo al mio angelo, maggiore ne reclamavo per me stesso e per lei...
Ad un tratto, sentii risvegliarsi la parte più selvaggia di me… ma non avevo più la forza per controllarla: ebbi l’esigenza to penetrate with force, shoving all in, filling the whole, reaching its points still to be explored: with a decided gesture, grabbed his long legs and soft, and I brought her back. She led by instinct, understood my request and encircled my waist, with its beautiful legs firm. That movement left us both breathless excitement felt my powerful, pulsating and hard, even slipping inside her body, causing an immense pleasure ... for Christ's sake, that ecstasy! I was in a trance, in a seesaw of passion, lust and pure lust ...
As I entered more and more her, enjoying like crazy, I continued to say his name breathlessly as she could only moan in pleasure and to give me her tender hot body. Slowly but firmly, I increased the pace of my thrusts and felt that his body was adapting to my ever so perfect. We were a man and a woman, two lovers of the body and soul.
intimate I felt his muscles begin to tighten around my sex and in response I increased the pace again. It was simply wonderful and exciting to know that I was the only one able to make them reach the highest peaks of pleasure!
Edward -Ahh ... Ahh! SIII! - Yelled a prey to 'orgasm ed'istinto clung to my back, sinking her nails into my back. God, that Goduria: I love my panther!
Suddenly my excitement also reached the summit: a jolt, even louder than before, through my body, immersed in one of Bella while she still kept clinging to my shoulders, continuing to sink her nails into my back.
Christ! Drove me crazy to hear so into me!
The pleasure I felt at that moment was amplified by the smell of her sex and her moods: for every thrust broke the scent on my face, like a wave, leaving me breathless. It became almost impossible to hold me still and my body began to shake and I screamed with pleasure.
-Bella! Ahhh! - Moaned. I felt a powerful energy flowing in and I could not wait to free ... Finally, combined with my Bella, let me go to a huge orgasm ... my first, powerful, wonderful orgasm of pure love ...
No, there was nothing else in the world so sublime and perfect!
I came inside her, my lady ... and I was in heaven ...
breathless and satisfied, we hugged tight, real estate for breath. Neither of them wanted to make even the slightest movement I was leaning over her, my erection still in his body warm, my face buried between her soft hair and the fragrant hollow of his neck ... Suddenly I heard the ' urgent need to get lost in his eyes, and lifted my face to abandon its deep pools of chocolate ... the superb view of my angelo appagato, trattenni il fiato per l’emozione: quella donna era talmente divina… ed era mia!
-Ti amo, mia Bella…- mormorai appassionatamente, stringendo il suo corpo e incollandolo al mio. Il mio angelo meraviglioso mi donò un radioso sorriso e cominciò a riempirmi il volto di tanti dolci bacetti, che mi fecero mugolare di piacere… dio, quanto l’amavo!
-E’ stato bellissimo Edward… e anche io ti amo da morire!- esclamò trionfante, serena ed appagata. Dio, com’ero felice! Avevo colmato di gioia l’amore della mia esistenza! Sentivo il suo battito ancora martellare ad un ritmo agitato e d’istinto mi abbassai all’altezza del suo cuore, riempiendo di baci il suo profumato e soffice seno. Mmm, che goduria!
-Ti amo infinitamente- mormorò estasiata guardandomi con i suoi splendidi occhi ricolmi di gioia e di passione.
-Anch’io Bella, per sempre, dolcissimo amore mio!- sussurrai ancora in paradiso, mentre lei mi regalava sguardi di amore e adorazione. Sarei rimasto in quella posizione ore ed ore, ma era arrivato il momento di togliere il mio ‘dolce’ peso dal suo esile corpo… non avevo nessuna intenzione di uscire da lei però… per nulla al mondo!
With a fluid motion and decided I grabbed her by the hips and being careful to remain in her, reversed our positions, leaving my angel above me. She immediately put her head on my chest covered with a thin layer of sweat, wrap it in its soft, velvety arms in response, the circondai with mine. The shaggy hair covering her face, kisses it at least a thousand times and then gently moved them to look at her: she was charming and relaxed. Still slightly flushed, and beautiful, breathing with the lips engaged in a delighted smile, a reflection of my own.
You're my woman per sempre, amore mio! , pensai compiaciuto e trionfante. Era semplicemente meraviglioso accarezzarla tutta abbracciata a me, i nostri corpi completamente nudi ed appagati da un piacere immenso...
Ad un tratto mi accorsi che una lacrima scese a rigarle una guancia. Si vedeva che era commossa, emozionata, ebbra di gioia… come me!
Mi avvicinai con le labbra al suo dolcissimo volto e raccolsi quella goccia d’acqua salata con un sorriso. Aveva degli occhi intensi e profondi… due laghi scuri di passione e desiderio soddisfatto… due pozze marine ricolme di incanto e magia…
-Mi ricordano il mare, sai?- mormorai in un soffio, rapito da quell’inebriante visione. La mia cucciola però non riuscì a comprendere le mie parole. Sfido io, come avrebbe potuto seguire le mie strampalate elucubrazioni mentali? Sorrisi e le lasciai un bacio su quella bocca così rossa, morbida ed invitante.
-I tuoi occhi, stellina mia… mi ricordano il mare...- spiegai incurvando le labbra all’insù .
-Edward Anthony Cullen… fare l’amore ti ha dato completamente alla testa!- sghignazzò la spiritosona, battendo l’indice sulla mia tempia, to express her opinion on my sanity. Well, on what was quite right: I was crazy about her! The saucy mordicchiai that finger, then the tip of the nose.
-On this I give you are quite right, Princess! I've made a fool! It 'was the most intense feeling I've ever felt in my life ... it was absolutely fantastic ... and strategic ultra mega happy! So, so happy that I began to sing, dance and shout across the room ... - told her with a touch of embarrassment. In response, her silvery laugh filled the room a cheerful trill. It made me a great pleasure to see her so happy, but I wanted to explain my sentence.
-Bella ... But what I said before, it's true ... see, it does not matter the color ... your eyes are so beautiful and intense that remind me of the fascinating depths of the sea ... that lovely stretch of ' water in the depths of its abyss becomes dark, like your eyes, but what lies at the same time, inside, an amazing world, full of colorful shades and colors, such as overtime is your soul and your heart ... - explained , chained by our eyes. My words of emotions, because the other salt water began to touch her cheeks. What tender my cat! He needed a powerful hug!
With extreme reluctance I came out of her wonderful body heat, went up to my chest and circondai with my arms, to inform all my love.
-puppy ... Just please do not cry ... I love you ... - I whispered, rocking her in his arms. -You are not happy, my darling? No, because ... you know, if I did not understand, I will communicate again, I'm ultra mega strategic happy - I said being able to calm down.
-course, love! Sorry, I'm just very excited ... - explained a bit 'awkward. I realized that she had just experienced a defining moment, a stage important in the life of a woman ... but now I see his beaming smile!
-not you tell me if you're happy, but ... - imbronciai I, jutting out his lower lip and grimly trying to move a winner of the tender puppy in search of pampering.
-happy ... I would not say - he muttered awkwardly. Shit, no! What a wanker! And I thought of it made her happy! What an asshole! I am convinced that I was taking her with me in paradise ...
But I could be more insane?! I had ruined his first time! What a disgrace!
-I would say that I are strategic ultra mega happy! - shouted suddenly clinging to my body's momentum. That evil witch! What a fright I had taken!
After a sigh of relief, I started to laugh too, clearly more relaxed, as I continued to cradle my puppy in my arms, thinking about the greatest joy of my life.
I had just made love for the first time in my life ... the feelings that I experienced were wonderful, intense and shocking. I thought back to my past experiences and understanding with Emm, Jazz and Jake: make love to me was a pure pleasure, an experience magnificent! By far the largest and most exciting pleasures of my life ... but who knows if she had heard a lot of pain ... I wonder if they still felt ... I was afraid of them that question, but I wanted to reassure me.
-Hey baby, how are you feeling? - I asked, after a while '.
-I have never been better ... - I said, sighing happily. I smiled ... I felt like this, but it was not what I wanted to know.
-I was not referring to that ... I wanted to know if you're wrong ... somewhere ... - murmured concerned, continuing to caress the velvety skin. A chuckle escaped the fun.
-No, I am a wonder! And then the pain is not even a small fraction of all the pleasure that you have made me try! - He explained. I sighed with relief ... many times I had stopped to think that despite the fact that he had always wanted with all his might (and I with her!), There was a downside, because she would still feel pain. Of course a man could not know how much and what kind, but by hearsay, for the first time a girl was not so pleasant for us as boys ... and I was terrified, despite its gentle reassurance, that even at that time had continued to feel even just a little 'sore. I tried to be as gentle as possible, and to a certain point I had to have been made aware of ... but then ... my dark side and had wild inexorably taken over and I had been more impetuous that delicate! I felt a little 'guilty ... even if she actually seemed to be good, very good!
I knew that sometimes I could be too nervous ... it was my fault, and I was also aware that this thing, if one part she liked the other, the exasperated a lot ... but it was stronger than me!
held her tight to my chest and then suddenly, like a fulmine a ciel sereno, mi resi conto che non saremmo rimasti soli ancora per molto... fanculo!!
Oh cazzo! Cazzissimo! Non volevo assolutamente rischiare che Charlie ci potesse trovare in quelle condizioni! Non avrei permesso a nessuno di rovinare quella magica serata e ciò che di meraviglioso era accaduto tra noi! Sbuffai sonoramente, attirando l’attenzione di Bella.
-Qualcosa non va, Edward?- mi chiese, subito preoccupata.
-Merda, è quasi l’una! Sarà meglio che ci rivestiamo, amore… di solito fino a che ora dura la festa?- le chiesi con un tono ansioso e triste, sperando che in realtà mi rispondesse che gli altri would not return again for several hours ...
-Oh, no! I forgot that stupid! You're right ... should come soon ... it's just that ... yes, in short, a mess I'm sorry that we can not sleep together, naked and hug you ... because I swear I leave you all the gold in the world - said pouting .
Sogghignai, approving every word. She too, like me, did not want to stop quell'idilliaco time. That's why I always had much to our perfect evening: I knew then there would have cost an enormous effort to separate for a whole night ... if we had aspettato il nostro speciale weekend avremmo passato tutto il tempo insieme a fare l’amore, ancora e ancora…
Ma… chissenefrega! Finiscila con le seghe mentali, Edward!, mi insultai.
Non avevo il minimo rimpianto di non aver aspettato! Non ci sarebbe potuto essere momento più perfetto di quello che avevamo vissuto! E, prepotenti, le immagini del mio corpo immerso nel suo paradiso caldo ed accogliente esplosero nella mia mente, facendo risvegliare la mia eccitazione in un batter d’occhio…
Rotolai su di lei e premetti di nuovo il mio bacino sulla sua intimità, giusto per chiarire il concetto che non sarebbe stata la only to suffer from the forced separation of night ...
In my impetuous gesture, the breath is cut off in the throat, and a compelling desire to burst back into my body and in her, making us shudder in unison ...
-God ... you feel, Bella? I want you forever and always! - Whispered hoarsely, licking his ear, and making her moan softly. A beautiful sound that radiated a shock in my body stopping at my groin.
-Me too ... my love! Now that I know how it feels to feel inside of me ... I want more! - Confessed to me, moaning and trying to rub to deepen that marvelous touch. I sighed as I wanted ... again lost in her ... again and again and again ...
But we could not, damn! We would have risked too much with the mustachioed sheriff! Especially me and my delicate and precious family jewels ...
-panterina my're good! We can not catch your evening! Charlie does not want me ruining the family jewels forever! And also know that nothing and no one will ruin this wonderful evening! - The ammonium, holding it by the hips.
"But you started! - He defended himself, smiling maliciously, mica-You can not throw the stone and then hide your hand - I scolded, frowning. I burst out laughing in the face of sad that nose ... God only knew how great was my desire for her!
-I did not do it on purpose, is guilty of Super Cullen! When you are near is particularly enterprising and lively! And then ... to be inside of you ... god, you're so hot, soft, scented ... your body is an invitation that you can not resist! - I defended myself, biting her breast.
-Ahh! Edward ... - he cried, taken aback by my sudden gesture. I lifted my face from that wonder, to get lost in the sea of \u200b\u200bchocolate in his eyes.
-Se go on like this, I swear that I get more from this bed ... - he whispered, his eyes sparkling with desire, my mirror. I sighed at the end ... he was right! We had to give a loose and fast.
-Love, I promise you that next weekend will be our everything and nothing and nobody can disturb us! It will be even more amazing tonight, I guarantee it! - Blew on his lips, sucking on the bottom that he loved so much torture with his teeth. Moaned again, making me smile again. It was now completely at the mercy of my own emotions and that I could not be happier!
forced me, reluctantly, departing from that divine body, filled with heady promises of millions of ... I sat on the bed and dragged her with me, so you can still retain a bit 'in my arms, without which our privacy continue to be closely ... I was really going outta my head!
-you give me some clues, puppy? Besides, now you can also reveal what you had prepared for us, right? - Tried to convince me, sly. You could see a mile away that was curious, but I decided to make her suffer a little '.
-Forget it, my little star! However, this is our first mesiversario and I have every intention to make you spend the evening romantic and perfect that I promised you ... and of course will be full of fire and passion! Will not even have time to breathe, Miss Swan! - Promised, but his eyes burned alive the flame of desire. We left to go to a last kiss and then we got up.
tried to placed the camera, getting rid of all traces of our love and then, after we dressed and prepared for the night, we decided to get a little something to eat ... in the end neither of us had dinner, and after 'intense and enjoyable physical activity, I discovered I was hungry as a wolf! And she with me.
We sat on stools kitchen and began to eat the sandwiches we had prepared my mother, laughing and joking, happier than ever.
After less than five minutes of light-hearted chat and kisses to his lips, felt the car get in the garage ... fuck that ass: just in time!


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