Thursday, December 9, 2010

Headaches And Heartburn Ovulation

News da Kiko: Primer!!!

Hi all,
are not a couple of days because of holidays and I have not had time to keep up with the web, but today it just turned on my notebook I found an interesting news from Kiko.
A new line of primers were launched by the famous cosmetics company low cost. I am very much intrigued by
these products slowly and surely I'll try them for now I just show them. We
first two bases for the face, the first is called
Mat Base Corrector Primer € 8.90
and is recommended for oily or mixed, from the website KIKO:


Base opaque face, ideal for very oily skins mixed and tend to become shiny during the day. The special gel formula composed of 97% natural ingredients and enriched with active vegetable sebum-absorbent, opaque skin instantly minimize the appearance of enlarged pores. Lightweight and quickly absorbed, Mat Base Corrector Primer prepares the skin for makeup ensuring extreme comfort throughout the day. Hypoallergenic =
formulated to minimize the risk of allergies

Base face matting, ideal for very oily skins mixed and tend to become shiny during the day. The special gel formula composed of 97% natural ingredients and enriched with active vegetable sebum-absorbent, opaque skin instantly minimize the appearance of enlarged pores. Lightweight and quickly absorbed, Mat Base Corrector Primer prepares the skin for makeup ensuring extreme comfort throughout the day.

Hypoallergenic = formulated to minimize the risk of allergies. Non-comedogenic.


The skin is smooth and velvety, virtually free of pores. The foundation remains impeccable long, without formation of shiny areas.

Our Make-up Artist

After the usual facial, take a moment and apply a small amount of Mat Base Corrector Primer touch with swift and decisive. The texture, creamy initially, be based on contact with the skin leaving a velvety veil imperceptibly. Let it dry and proceed with the application of foundation.

For skins that do not have these problems we have:

Skin Tone Corrector Primer € 9.90

as shown on the website: Features

Base Face Poser Wave perfecter of 'incarnate. Its slightly toned texture allows you to correct and neutralize the optically discoloration of the skin, smoothing the complexion.
Thanks to Diamond Dust, Skin Tone Corrector Primer captures light and reflects it gently over the face, giving an extraordinary radiance diffused. Its formula
sliding pleasantly velvety touch, providing a comfort and a durable ultra-light sensation on her face.

Available in four variations, each addressed to a specific need:

01 Green : Perfect for counter reddish discoloration as rosacea, capillaries and blemishes.
02 Violet : Revitalize dull and yellowish embodied heats.
03 Peach : ideal for all skin tones who want to find the effect of "skin in shape."
04 Bronze: light skin darker to lighter ones and gives a delicate effect tanned. Hypoallergenic =

formulated to minimize the risk of allergies. Non-comedogenic.


The complexion appears smooth, regular, virtually perfect, the perfect base for a durable and light make-up result.


Our Make-up Artist

After hydrated skin, apply a small amount with swift and decisive touch, let it dry and proceed with the application of foundation. We then

a product that can not miss the beauty of a real MakeUp Lover, the primer for the eyes: Eye
Base Primer € 6.90


fixative base for eye shadow. A creamy texture powder base, smoothing and matting that eases the application and fixing eyeshadow prolongs life.
Its slight pigmentation neutralizes the tone of the eyelids emphasizing the result color eyeshadow. Hypoallergenic =

formulated to minimize the risk of allergies.
Ophthalmologically tested. Paraben free. Fragrance free.


eyeshadow adhere to the eyelid in a perfectly uniform, without causing build-up in the folds of the eye. The color reveals all the gloss and eyeshadow stays true for long.

Our Make-up Artist

After the usual facial, wait a moment and spread a small amount of Eye Primer Base on the eyelids. Allow to dry completely prima di procedere con l’applicazione dell’ombretto.

ed una base per labbra, che non vedo l'ora di provare:

Lip Base Primer 5,90€


Base labbra neutralizzante. La texture a coprenza modulabile annulla il colore delle labbra dando la possibilità di ridisegnare il contorno, enfatizzare il colore del rossetto e creare un ricercato “nude look”. La speciale formula, arricchita con Vitamina E, assicura alle labbra un'efficace azione protettiva.

Ipoallergenico = formulato per minimizzare il rischio di allergie. Paraben free. Fragrance free.


lips become a perfect canvas on which to create a make-up to perfection. The lipstick is enhanced and prolonged beyond expectation.

I Our Make-up Artist

Spread a small amount by tapping on the lips, dry well and proceed with the application of lipstick or gloss.

I left for the last product that I think, from my point of view, more interesting, is a powder to put on makeup to fix it, basically what most of us do with the powder, But in this case it is a transparent product, which goes on any skin.

Invisible Powder € 11.90 From:


opaque powder and fixative. Delete the shiny effect and sets makeup without drying skin. Its high-tech formula is made up of very fine ball powder and transparent micronized matify face instantly giving the complexion a perfect texture and a velvety touch. The transparency of the dust makes Invisible Powder also perfect for small touch-ups during the day.

Ipoallergenico = formulato per minimizzare il rischio di allergie.


Un finish mat trasparente e impalpabile che minimizza le imperfezioni senza alterare il colore del fondotinta e senza segnare la pelle. La grana del viso appare vellutata e perfettamente regolare.

I consigli del nostro Make up Artist

Applicare dopo il fondotinta con l’applicatore integrato nel tappo o con un pennello da viso.

L'unico che non proverò a breve è il primer per gli occhi, dato che ne ho appena acquistato uno da Sephora, per il resto una base viso, il primer labbra e fixative my dust will soon! And you? What do you think? you feel?


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