Sunday, December 26, 2010

How To Get Shower Suction Cups To Stick

Christmas with a little 'late and ... gifts!

Sorry for the delay, but I had some very hectic days, with family and festivities ... beautiful, but a little 'intense! So I hope you can accept these cards, although a little late!;)

then I'm sorry it had not yet had the opportunity to go for private seasonal and blog a thank you for the beautiful words that you left the previous post ... you are truly unique and with your affection I have filled my heart ... this was a great Christmas gift! Yesterday at the end
are still able to sell a little bit at home ... and given the appreciation of the people close to me, I realized that indeed there are those who know how to appreciate certain things and for these, as well as for ourselves we must continue to create ... here, I did rhyme!:))

today are also here to tell you that the blog will go on "holiday break" until the epiphany because once again I'm going to relax in the mountains! I like to write from there, but even if I have the key, it's really hard to make a post ... the connection is too slow, so ... See you in a while '!
's why I take this opportunity to make even the best wishes for a happy new year, hoping that 2011 know the wonderful surprises in store, as this 2010, at least personally, it was very magnanimous!
I also write a nice nursery rhyme I learned as a child, but I always like to wish a happy new year ^_^...

We sincerely hope that
be a year full of love,
which is full of joy, smiles and
of days that are as beautiful
in the sky
stars and dreamed the dreams all made
are for.

Since I'll be away for a long time 'today mi sbizzarisco con un post lunghissimo, ma, male che vada potete leggerlo a rate ^_^... per cui, come non raccontarvi degli splendidi regali che ho ricevuto?!
Uno più bello dell'altro davvero, ma soprattutto non posso non menzionare uno che mi ha fatta davvero felice... il libro di Francesca di Shabby Home , "La gioia del Natale".... finalmente!!!!! E' davvero stupendo, una meraviglia dopo l'altra... ma so che molte di voi hanno già avuto modo di apprezzarlo!
E poi una cornice grande da appendere con delle mollettine per le foto, una lavagna a cuore (meravigliosa!), una borsa, braccialetti, dvd, portafoglio, libri... troppi!!:)) Mi hanno davvero viziata questo Christmas!

I also proceeded to do a little something that I have given, and then we're at it, and now that you've already pretty bored ^ _ ^ here are some creations ...

A trunk style of Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 crochet ...
all in black as much desired by my dearest friend ...

Although the photos do not see much closed with a zipper and lined inside all ...
honestly say that I have is my little pride ... was a bit 'long to do, but I assure you that came out just beautiful!

Then, to my cousin this pin and a scarf made of thick wool and woven by hand as seen in a video posted on the blog of Leiweb ...
although I must say that the real inspiration was Monia ... I hope you will not be angry with me, but I fell in love scarves and I realized that you had sought ways to make them ... ;)

And for the other cousin, another scarf, this time in shades of purple ...

Last but not least ... for my love in a warm wool hat!

I actually made something else for him, a sofa quilt in the colors of his team, AC Milan .... but I forgot to make the photo !!:(((
As soon as I make her way to the public, because believe me, being the first that I was undertaking, but the result was really nice, so I absolutely let you see!

Well, to say that I have bored you enough;), so I leave you and you suffer from a bit '...
least I hope to find a way to go to your blog, because I do not know if I can stand all that time no read!;)

A big kiss to you all ...


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