Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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the natural rights of boys and girls: the right to silence

participate to this post ~ piccolalory ~

thought that this time I decided to remain silent as the emblem of right of boys and girls to SILENCE? But no ... it's just that yesterday I was a guest of the Milanese city for work, last night the machine was besieged by her husband while I besieged the couch to the sound of snoring, the fact is that the day ended with no post. but at the home of piccolalory there is always the door open for latecomers, so here I am. with my idea of \u200b\u200bsilence and right to silence.

everyone, including mothers ;-) , are entitled to have moments of peace and tranquility to rest your ears and mind , so all we need to carve out space and moments of relaxation hearing, with the TV off, the phone off the hook ... etc.

the same is true for our children: abituiamoli not have the TV in the background, especially at times of rest and social occasions (how I hate the television during meals ...), the risk is to get used to it, without even realizing it!

{as you know is not one that sees only black and white, do not mean to point fingers against television in general, which if properly used can also be a means of education, but against certain bad habits!}

Moreover, the silence in my opinion is the basis for educating our children to listen .

believe is a contradiction to speak of the sounds that surround us today that the theme is the right silence? maybe. but personally I think the silence we can not "hear" because, as a minimum, there will be the sound of our breathing and our hearts to keep us company! the point is to educate ourselves to listen to the sounds around us, to choose what you feel and what to do without, rather than being passive listeners to a set of background noise! so that's why the right to silence, to me, goes hand in hand with the right to be heard aware ;-)

how many times we hear the sounds without really listening? those wonderful sounds we let him slip without even noticing? as my mom would say ... "come from un orecchio, escono dall’altro”, senza lasciare traccia!

i nostri bimbi hanno il diritto di sentire, percepire, riconoscere e godere dei suoni.

ci sono i suoni della natura : il cinguettio degli uccelli, il fruscio delle foglie, il sibilo del vento, il ticchettio della pioggia, il ronzio delle mosche… e tanti altri.

poi ci sono i suoni della casa , i suoni che possiamo produrre con il nostro corpo , la musica eccetera…

ma veniamo alla pratica. i suoni ci raccontano delle storie, se solo le sappiamo ascoltare. with the sounds we can construct an infinite number of stories and games with and for our little . how? here are some ideas:

here's a song is the last edition of pure gold. we can have fun with the kids to listen, sing, imitate sounds, and then we listen to our home and compose our own song sounds!

here's my favorite phrase:

"... listen with your heart the sound of the noise, learn to listen to the birth of a flower , learn to listen to those who do not have voice , you take it for mano e ti sorriderà…”


di seguito due link adatti a bambini più grandicelli…

qui trovate un interessante programma da scaricare per giocare con i suoni!

qui invece potete scaricare un file che contiene tanti ottimi spunti… date un’occhiata!

alla prossima… tic-toc-badabum-splash-frrrrrrrr-croc-squishhhh-smack!



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