Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Join Marines With Lazy Eye?

i diritti naturali di bimbi e bimbe: IL DIRITTO ALLE SFUMATURE

we already arrived-SIGH, SIGH-date with the latest initiative piccolalory .

how fortunate we are to avere tanta natura a “portata di mano” vi ho già parlato qui . non voglio rigirare il dito nella piaga quindi oggi non parlerò delle incredibili sfumature che ci regala la natura. vi lascio solo questo arcobaleno di sfumature, per gentile concessione di madre natura ;-)

mosaic   FONTI: 1. Sfumature marine , 2. sfumature , 3. Sfumature.. , 4. sfumature d'autunno , 5. Shades of Siena , 6. nuances , 7. "Shades" , 8. nuances , 9. tints

here today I want to give another meaning to the nuances ...

will issue character will be a matter of education will be a bag that I built with my studies and my profession but one thing I hate is seeing life in black or white : to think and talk just for contrast.

or white, or black .

or right or wrong is .

or right or left is .

or correct or incorrect is .

or true or false is .

or same, or different .

or in favor or against it ...

in an age of slogans, bickering television and tele-surveys is easy to succumb to the temptation of 'either / or. but no. it is mother nature gives us countless nuances to see, hear, touch, taste, smell.

think if there were no nuances: how many details we lose? try to paint a sunset with only two colors available to or compose a tune with just two notes! the result would not be much, do not you think?

I a convinced supporter of the hyper- facets and nuances : I believe a medal not only has two sides, but it can be watched by many different points of view .

the logic of the authority aut is reductive and limiting. accommodate the nuances, however, means value difference and understand the richness .

accommodate the nuances mean focus on the meeting and avoid confrontation .

accommodate the nuances mean include and not exclude other .

welcome le sfumature significa rinunciare a mettere un muro tra qui e là, tra noi e voi ma lasciare la porta aperta !

ogni giorno ci passano sotto gli occhi miliardi di sfumature: gente di tutte le età e di tutte le estrazioni sociali. uomini, donne, bambini e anziani. gente solare e gente musona. varie lingue e provenienze. idee politiche diverse, credo religiosi diversi…

a noi la scelta: vogliamo per i nostri bimbi un mondo in bianco o nero o un mondo a colori?

oggi non voglio proporre idee pratiche (anche perchè il post è già abbastanza lungo!). credo che la cosa principale per garantire a mia figlia this right is the "good example", so I hope I have always wanted the patience, the curiosity and ability to see and hold any kind of nuance ... even when it costs effort.

as a reminder, for myself and for those who want to read it, I leave these words of the writer Edouard Glissant Martinique:

"I claim the right opacity. Too much definition, transparency lead to apartheid: the blacks from here, beyond the white. "I do not understand," he says, and then live apart. No, I say, we do not understand completely, but we can live with. The opacity is not a wall, always leaves something to filter. A friend told me recently that the opacity law should be inserted between the rights of man "

(taken from an article by Mark aime, to read in full click here )

the initiative to piccolalory fades here, but will continue to be reflected in our lives day by day, or at least that's what I / we hope!



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