Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Preston And Steve Screaming Orgasm Ringtone

Please enter as well ... my little corner of the world ...

Hello to all ...
you saw?!
Ah yes, the sun is back among us and I immediately started to feel a lot of energy in the body!
Even today I make the argument seems less heavy ^ _ ^!

Io riesco ad amare tutte le stagioni, trovo sempre il bello in ognuna di esse,
però ho un piccolo difetto...
quando in testa mia decido che una stagione è finita, basta...
desidero ardentemente quella successiva!
E quindi l'amore per le giornate uggiose e il freddo stanno pian, piano lasciando spazio alla voglia di sole, di colori e primavera!!
Lo so che è presto e che in realtà l'inverno non è cominciato neanche da un mese :), ma io sono fatta così e mi vivo le stagioni un po' a modo mio...
passate le feste di Natale in testa mia è già primavera!!:)

So what brings the spring if you do not want to regeneration?!
(Actually, maybe it's just the beginning of the new year, but some say 'a mixture of things ^ _ ^)

So, as promised, here is my little corner of the world as it took shape ...

literally adore this heart-shaped wreath ... I bought at the flea market that I made from the sweet lady who had the banquet next to ours ... At first I thought
to decorate it in some way, but then resting there, just because I did not know where to put it at the time:), I thought it was really good just like that ... Simple!

On the left wall then I hung this board BEAUTIFUL ^ _ ^ I got my cousin for Christmas ...
When we saw them together at the shop we have been spellbound ... then she has taken note and has made me find under the tree ... what about ... I always wanted a board like this!

And finally, I do not know if they had seen, but the knobs of the cabinet I hung two hearts ...
are my latest production last night ...
two hearts filled with flax pout Purri rose ... fragrant!

And since I thought the scent to apply a small rose in felt, obviously having red colors chosen for my mobile ...

I hope this mini virtual tour you enjoyed ...
quick and I'll show you the rest ... I call it the part of relaxation), with the couch, etc. ...!



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