Friday, February 4, 2011

Every Night Minerals Swatches

Stop testing cosmetics on animals

Salve a tutte ragazze! 
oggi non sono qui per recensirvi uno  dei cosmetici che tanto ci piacciono ma parlarvi di qualcosa che  comunque li riguarda.

  Nel 2013 dovrebbe infatti entrare in vigore il divieto europeo, assoluto, di testare e commercializzare materie prime cosmetiche sperimentate su animali (data stabilita dalla Direttiva UE del 2003).Questo bando ottenuto con la mobilitazione di tutte le associazioni animaliste e con il sostegno di milioni di cittadini rischia però di slittare nuovamente, mettendo così  at risk the lives of thousands of animals every year.
In fact, despite the clear position against the public and bans already exist, the European Commission and European Parliament are considering a possible postponement of that date. Thousands of rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and rats continue to be so injected, burned and blinded in the world for cosmetics for Europe.
No other animal would still have to suffer and be killed for testing new cosmetics. Together, we reiterate that the public is strongly against the use of animals in this area and ask the European Parliament and the institutions that represent us, not to slide the ban of 2013.
Animal testing in addition to being cruel to animals and ethically unacceptable, do not offer security guarantees and therefore are useless. For cosmetics are already more than 200,000 raw materials that can meet the needs of producers and consumers more demanding.
For this reason, the LAV has decided to take this country in hundreds of Italian cities with the national mobilization Days planned weekends of 2-3 and 9 to 10 April : LAV at the tables, you can sign the petition, to receive information such as " Practical Guide to cosmetics not tested on animals " and support this campaign through a small donation in exchange for which you will receive the traditional Easter egg of LAV (dark chocolate / Fair Trade).
You can now sign this petition (click here to sign up for this site) and involve family and friends, obtain a truly useful to the animals but also to the millions of daily consumers of cosmetic products.

For further information visit the website and


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