Monday, February 14, 2011

Sonix Headphones Review

Happy Valentine's day!

As you know I really love this festival, or rather, I is indifferent. .. But
I admit this year ... I have sinned!: D

First I prepared a fresh breakfast ..
yes, yes, you got it, I've prepared myself!:) Love is also
for themselves and then this morning I cuddled a bit '...

a sweet smile on my cappuccino cocoa ...

And then ...
browse through the various blogs and see all these beautiful Valentine's ideucce
hearts full of that I love, I did it resist ...
and so I gave in preparing a little something for my love !

In my defense: D I want to say that I gave everything
Saturday (since it is the only day that we see - we do not live right next-)
and I just wanted to do something for him
SanValentino and it was just an excuse to use the themed decorations!;)

Scherzi a parte, festività o meno,
le cose vanno fatte perché si ha voglia di farle e soprattutto quando vengono dal cuore
e per me è stato così!

Ecco cosa ho pensato per il mio amore super goloso ...
tanti, tanti dolcetti...
un po' preparati da me, come i due tipi di biscotti e la tortina con gocce di cioccolato
e alcuni comprati, come le M&M'S al riso soffiato e le barrette di cioccolata...

And here's how I thought of packing it all ...
's idea clearly is not mine, they are all free
amazing that I found on a blog just as beautiful
Cut and Paste Valentina ... Apart from free
you should visit because there are some really beautiful things and she is very good!

(this image I used on the envelope I took it instead from the blog Twig & Thistle )

And finally, could possibly miss the love for my family ?
But absolutely not!
And then I did it again and jam shortbread cookies to
for my parents ...
I would say very much appreciated!;)


Concludo questo post un po' lungo
mostrandovi anche la seconda tappa del mio sal macarons...
il lavoro procede e non vedo l'ora di finirlo e confezionarlo!

Un bacio


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