Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Harley Davidsonpuppy Names

i diritti naturali di bimbi e bimbe in pillole!

eh lo so, pensavate che avessimo chiuso il capitolo dei diritti naturali di bimbi e bimbe . e But no.

obviously the challenge of education continues every day, so I decided to reread all ten rights and make a synthesis of hyper-concentrated to list here the most important things that I never want to forget:

ensure contact and the discovery of nature - it's the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink or admire the scenery. we give ourselves and our puppies a chance to live in contact with nature . inventing creative ways to bring nature into the city when you can not immerse ourselves in the countryside. if Mohammed will not go to the mountain, the mountain goes to Muhammad, in other words.

improvisation right - there are times when organized events which are not to be late, rules to follow, coach not to lose ... but, when possible, forget the clock! ritagliamoci spaces and times when free rein of the imagination to invent new games to turn a table in a hut, pretending to climb a rock that is the everest, sunning on the grass watching the stars ... or take a nap, why not!

education of the senses - we have five senses, and educhiamoci educhiamoli to "watch" the world through all channels available to us!

education difference - the difference displaces and sometimes frightening, and it is normal. teach our children not to be afraid of what is different, but to welcome him with joy , not to escape from what seems strange but curiously find out. people will be flexible, sensitive and rich in doubt.

image image taken from the web

here, I wrote here because verba volant, scripta manent ... these are the things that I will not forget.

even when I am sick and tired,

even when the duties seem to crush the rights,

even when it is difficult (because I know you will ...).

then, I put this virtual post-it in my suitcase to carry it with me!

piccolalory thank you again for inviting us to reflect on these rights and it "predicts" that this initiative has put me in a cricket head (or maybe two) that I hope will materialize soon here on the blog.

you curious? be 'so ... do not change the channel!




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