Wednesday, February 16, 2011

John Hull Futures And Options Markets Blog

cucIMPARA: i punti a mano

prendete un giorno grigio e noioso in cui la luce è talmente brutta e piatta che le foto vengono tutte ‘na schifezza. mettete che siete da soli in casa e dovete farvi degli auto-scatti. mettete che non avete un cavalletto ma dovete in qualche modo improvvisare. insomma prendete la giornata più sbagliata di tutte e… preparate un bel tutorial. ecco, ovviamente io ho pensato bene di fare così :-/

oggi vediamo (e impariamo) quali sono i più comuni punti usati per cucire a mano , come e quando si eseguono.

WARNING: for steps that seemed a bit 'more complex I have prepared two versions of the tutorial, a left-handed (green) and one for right (yellow) .

{ I heard the sighs of relief of left-handed and even some "alleluia " whisper here and there, not negatelo: for once not have to imagine or look at the photos reversed with the mirror (yes, I I did it for how to proceed with the hook!) ;-) }

those who have already had to deal with Needle & thread read just to cool off a bit 'ideas, who starts from zero or near-requirement to obtain advice:
- needle and thread
scissors - a rag, or any piece of cloth to use as a guinea pig

let's start with the basics, which can not be more bases:

1) insert the needle
with scissors cut about 50-60cm of wire , resist the temptation to use longer spiers ... otherwise the thread annoderà attorciglierà and over again. resist the temptation to rip the wire: a clean cut will make the process of "threading" much easier and faster!

if you have good eye and steady hand will not have any problem, bring an otherwise sticks-Aug. will avoid wasting time and lots of aggravation! 's needle threader is a small metal plate fitted with a thin, flexible loop that slips easily into the eye of the needle, then you run the wire loop teeth in, you Extract from the eye of the needle threader et voila: the needle is inserted properly and quickly!

2) stop the thread

how to stop the wire to secure the seam and do not let that slid over the fabric? Simple: with a small end node. Although I run the left-handed knot with both hands, preferably with the right. probably someone makes the node with the same hand that sews, others do not. used the hand with which the act there is natural!

- turn the thread around your index finger, stop with your thumb and roll it and slide it toward the tip of your finger.

- remove the index, stop the loop that has formed between the thumb and middle finger, pull the free end of the wire with your other hand to form the knot

3) imbastitura

l’imbastitura è una cucitura provvisoria, eseguita con l’apposito filo. serve a tenere insieme momentaneamente due o più pezzi di stoffa, si procederà poi all’esecuzione della cucitura definitiva e alla fine alla rimozione delle imbastiture, per facilitare quest’ultimo passaggio vi consiglio di utilizzare un filo di colore contrastante con il tessuto! imbastitura

4) punto filza

è un punto piuttosto corto e regolare è adatto a cuciture decorative or at least not very strong. Now you can do with straight or curved lines, decorative patterns, spirals, shapes, sbizzarritevi written ...!

applies as to the basting, but the items must be much smaller. filza

5) point back

is the most resistant among the points in hand, who does not have a sewing machine can replace that.
p.indietroSN copia LEFT HAND: you sew from left to right (for basting and as a string section), but it puts the needle to the left of in cui il filo sbuca sul diritto del tessuto. riportare l’ago sul diritto del lavoro spostandosi verso DESTRA, per poi eseguire un altro punto “tornando indietro”, cioè inserendo il filo dove finisce il punto precedente.
p.indietroDX copia MANO DESTRA: si cuce da destra verso sinistra (come per imbastitura e punto filza) ma si infila l’ago a DESTRA del punto in cui il filo sbuca sul diritto del tessuto. riportare l’ago sul diritto del lavoro spostandosi verso SINISTRA, per poi eseguire un altro punto “tornando indietro”, cioè inserendo il filo dove finisce il punto precedente.

6) hidden point

is the point that is used to join two folded strips of cloth, is used to close the openings that allow themselves to turn the work or fit padding. if you are running small dots with a colored thread stitching is almost invisible. (Photo I purposely chose a contrasting color and let the points a bit 'slow because they were visible!) Stretch the edges before you start sewing the execution will be much easier.
p.nascostoSN copia LEFT HAND: you sew from left to right. stop the thread and do emerge from one of the two edges, with very small points take you to the opposite edge, slide the needle into the fold to the right before you bring it back and repeat on the opposite edge. pull good points

p.nascostoDX copia RIGHT HAND: you sew from right to left. stop the thread and do emerge from one of the two edges, with very small points take you to the opposite edge, slide the needle into the fold to the left before back and repeat on the other tack. pull good points

7) stitch

a decorative stitch is very useful, for example to secure applications and at the same time create a decorative pattern around the edge.
festoneSN copia festoneDX copia to begin, insert the needle between the two pieces of cloth that we want to unite and come out with the needle on the right. in practice, the node that will stop the wire between the two pieces of cloth. take the needle with the true scope of the application, enter the fabric back and return to the right, the wire must be in the middle of two pieces. {1}
LEFT HAND: the wire must be to the right of the point just made {2}, move left, enter both pieces, hanging out with the needle tip just beyond the margin of 'application, the wire must be below NEEDLE {3}, and continue to pull along the boundary {4}.
RIGHT HAND: the wire must be on the left point just made {2}, move right, enter in both pieces, hanging out with the needle tip just beyond the edge of the application, THE LINE MUST BE UNDER THE NEEDLE {3}, pull and continue along the boundary {4}.
the important thing is that when you point to pull the wire is under the needle. so ... festone

8) to stop the sewing

also to stop work at the end of the seam you run a small knot: making a small step back and put the needle in the loop that forms the wire pull and cut. more resistant to closure of two nodes can be made, following the same procedure. fine

ok, the lesson is over ... now you just need to PRACTISE!

hope that the explanations and photos are clear, otherwise you just have to ask. to interact with me you can leave a comment here or on the facebook page in the discussions.

the next time we will take a little 'confidence with the sewing machine (if you have one) and then ... go with the wind MEMORY!

~ ~ ~

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